Pest Free cuttings and canes from Costa Rica
Presented by Florica Farms and Ornamentex
Florica Farms and Ornamentex have joined together to bring Europe a new methodology developed for preventing pest infestation in a plant. Our new composition will reduce or eliminate the chemicals used in your plant cuttings and canes from Costa Rica!
You will receive plants with no leaf insects, treated eggs with 100% mortality, including no parasitiods and all accomplished without harming the enviroment and with a minimal insecticide dip post harvest.
What we are providing is a method for preventing pest ingress and infestation by exposing the plant to our new composition post harvest. For pests that reproduce by egg, it will prove effective to control pest infestation by killing eggs. For pest that do not produce eggs our process can also provide treatment that is efficient and successful for pest development stages other than eggs.
We have started with the Dracaena Marginata Plant and Crotons. Marginatas and Crotons have a high incidence of insect contamination. Nearly 97% of all Marginata plants carry insect eggs. Our process kills all insect eggs. All of our Marginatas are NOT TREATED WITH CHEMICALS for pests in the fields where they are grown. We are helping tot take care of the environment! We have been shipping clean Marginatas and Crotons into the United States for several years with this method. All the other Costa Rican plants we ship will also be treated in the near future with this process, including Cordylines, other Dracaenas and Sanseverias.
For more information contact:
Leo Wim de Kroon
The Netherlands
Julio Araya
Florica Farms
Costa Rica
+ 506-8711-5492
Patrick Muntz
Florica Farms USA
+1561 704-0040