About Ornamentex
Ornamentex B.V. one of the leading Dutch wholesale dealers in young plants and cuttings.
We are importing plant material from countries like India, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, Guatemala and South Africa which we sell to growers in Holland.
In Europe we buy all different kinds of young plants from many different suppliers. These plants are exported to countries like Australia, New Zealand, Korea, South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, China, Mexico and the United States etc.
In this website you will find a wide range of young plants. In our varietylist you can select the families, varieties you are interested in.
If you are looking for Orchids please visit the website of our Orchid supplier Hassinger (www.hassinger-orchideen.de). There you will find many varieties we can supply.
Not all the varieties you see in our list can be sold to every country. Some varieties are protected by PBR and can only be sold to you after approval of the breeder. Please feel free to ask us about that.
Please contact us if you find something interesting. We will be happy to give you all information about availabilty, specifications and prices.
If you are looking for varieties which are not mentioned in the list, please let us know and we will try to locate it for you.
The international protection of our new varieties and trademarks is provided by Hortis Holland BV, www.hortis.nl / www.trademarkhost.com
Leo Wim de Kroon.